samedi, juillet 27, 2024

Creating liberating content

Creating an Online Menu...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...

Digital Medium for Art?...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...

How Bookeh Became a...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...

Video Games as a...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...

Category: EDITO

Equity markets are inherently emotional and often overreact to events. This creates exploitable dislocations that offer excess return opportunity for contrarian, long-term-oriented investors. Small-cap stocks can experience larger dislocations. Lack of analyst attention, less transparency and lower liquidity all magnify the impacts from emotional investor behavior. Aegis believes excess returns can be generated by: purchasing a well-researched portfolio of fundamentally sound small-cap stocks trading at low valuations during periods of stress or neglect, when liquidity is low and investor sentiment is poor, holding these investments patiently through periods of short-term price volatility while fundamental conditions normalize, and selling after fundamental trends reverse, as recovery becomes visible and investor sentiment improves, driving valuations higher.

Investir : c’est demander des...

Charlie Munger est peut-être un investisseur mal...

Equity markets are inherently emotional and often overreact to events. This creates exploitable dislocations that offer excess return opportunity for contrarian, long-term-oriented investors. Small-cap stocks can experience larger dislocations. Lack of analyst attention, less transparency and lower liquidity all magnify the impacts from emotional investor behavior. Aegis believes excess returns can be generated by: purchasing a well-researched portfolio of fundamentally sound small-cap stocks trading at low valuations during periods of stress or neglect, when liquidity is low and investor sentiment is poor, holding these investments patiently through periods of short-term price volatility while fundamental conditions normalize, and selling after fundamental trends reverse, as recovery becomes visible and investor sentiment improves, driving valuations higher.

Equity markets are inherently emotional and often overreact to events. This creates exploitable dislocations that offer excess return opportunity for contrarian, long-term-oriented investors. Small-cap stocks can experience larger dislocations. Lack of analyst attention, less transparency and lower liquidity all magnify the impacts from emotional investor behavior. Aegis believes excess returns can be generated by: purchasing a well-researched portfolio of fundamentally sound small-cap stocks trading at low valuations during periods of stress or neglect, when liquidity is low and investor sentiment is poor, holding these investments patiently through periods of short-term price volatility while fundamental conditions normalize, and selling after fundamental trends reverse, as recovery becomes visible and investor sentiment improves, driving valuations higher.

Investir : c’est...

Charlie Munger est peut-être un investisseur mal compris par le public , qui le dépeint comme un investisseur qui se moque de Graham et...

L’investissement “value” :...

Bonjour à tous, Nous approchons de la fin de l'année dans ce qui a été une année folle, suivant le dos de deux autres années folles... D'abord,...

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